T-PIKE: New £3m EPSRC-funded project for technicians
19 March 2024
Eastern Arc has secured a significant part of a £16m investment from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for research technical professionals (RTPs).
The Technical Platform for Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (T-PIKE) is a £3m project that will be led by RTPs at Essex, UEA, Kent and Sussex. They will develop training on knowledge exchange, work with industry to create placements, offer career development opportunities for those within the sector, and champion the work of technicians more broadly.
The programme has been funded by a £1.5million grant from EPSRC, with further support provided by the host universities and key industry partners.
Focusing on knowledge exchange activities, university technical staff will gain new skills from the private sector while sharing their knowledge and experience. The programme will also offer opportunities for those considering a technical career to gain experience, trained and mentored by those already in post, and thereby ensuring the sustainbility of the profession.
‘This is a hugely important and exciting programme,’ said Phil Ward, Director of Eastern Arc. ‘Our technicians have led on this, identifying the significant need and opportunity, and developing a framework that will both support their colleagues and also benefit local businesses and other organisations to get the most from our universities.
‘I want to thank the co-chairs of the Eastern Arc Technicians’ Network who led on this, together with Prof Edd Codling at Essex who supported them throughout the process. I also want to thank EPSRC and the other partners for investing in the programme, and recognising the invaluable part that RTPs play in the innovation process.’
T-PIKE will begin in April and run for four years. A webpage with full details of the programme will be launched shortly.