ODA funding seminar: recording and slides now available
04 December 2020
Yesterday we hosted a webinar with speakers from UUKi, UKRI and the Wellcome Trust. A recording and slides from the event are now available on a dedicated webpage, here.
It also summarises our position on the future of ODA funding, following recent indications of the direction of travel that are of concern, such as the R&D Roadmap in July, the merger of DfIDA and the FCO, and the November Spending Review 2021-22.
The webinar forms part of a new series of events that we will be hosting. The first looked at the healthy ageing priorities of Public Health England, and the next will be focussing on the mental health strategy of the Medical Research Council, which will take place in January (date TBC).
For information on these events, Eastern Arc’s position on external policy, or its other work, contact Phil Ward, or look at our page detailing ways in which you can engage with our activity.
Main news image: Moon Bhuyan on Unsplash