Episode 7: ‘There is no revolution without songs’: environment & art in the Americas

01 July 2020

In Episode 6 we looked at the history of human engagement with the environment in the Americas. In this episode we follow this up by looking at the artistic and creative response to the environment, from the artists who highlight the climate crisis and the disappearance of the ice in the arctic, to the way in which researchers use art to engage with displaced people in Colombia.

To discuss this, Dr Hazel Marsh (UEA)Prof Susan Oliver (Essex) and Prof Karen Jones (Kent) look at several examples of artists and projects that help us to understand our relationship with the environment, including:

This podcast resulted from the cancellation of the public lecture series, The Future of the Americas, which was due to take place at UEA in the spring.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


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