Technicians: Travel bursaries available for TALENT Commission Conference
25 September 2023
Eastern Arc has established a Technicians’ Network, led by technicians for the benefit of technicians. Part of its role is to enable technicians to connect and engage with others, both across Eastern Arc and beyond.
As such, EARC will be making a limited number of travel bursaries available for technicians at the three Eastern Arc universities to attend the TALENT Commission Conference in London on 16 November.
If you are a technician working at UEA, Essex or Kent, and would like to attend the conference, contact Phil Ward for further details. He will work with the EARC Technicians’ Network steering group to approve the bursaries. Numbers are limited, so do get in touch as soon as possible. Further details about the conference are available here, and the programme is given below.
10am – 11am Arrivals / registration
11am – 11.15am Welcome / housekeeping
11.15am – 12pm Panel session – Technician experiences and impact
12noon – 1pm Breakout sessions: Research, Culture Change, Technical Learning and Development
1pm – 2pm Lunch
2pm– 2.45pm Introduction to the UK Institute for Technical Skills and Strategy
2.45pm–3.45pm Roundtable discussions: How to ensure the legacy of TALENT and overcome barriers
3.45pm – 4pm Close
4pm – 6pm Networking