Take part in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion into Research (EDIT) study
09 January 2024
Last year Eastern Arc provided funding for the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion into Research (EDIT) study.
We recognised that, although many of the principles of equality, diversity and inclusivity were accepted by and embedded into institutions, individual researchers sometimes struggled to incoporate the principles within their own work.
EDIT seeks to address this by creating a set of tools and educational workshops that will develop researchers’ knowledge, understanding and inclusion of EDI in research to help with future design and funding bids.
To do so, the investigators need to understand the current state of play and would like to talk to as many researchers and academics as possible. The response so far has been great – over 80 people have responded – but they would like to encourage more to participate.
If you are able and willing to take part, please click here. It will take you through to a page with more information, and a survey, which will take no more than 15 mins to complete.
If you have any questions about the research, please email the study team (Joanna Semlyen (PI) J.Semlyen@uea.ac.uk or Leanne.Tyson@uea.ac.uk).