Registration open: ‘mental health and young people’
02 November 2021
Registration for our second seminar on mental health and the life course is now open. It is free and open to all, and will take place at 2pm on 19 Nov. Click here to sign up.
Mental health in children and young people often goes unrecognised and untreated. According to the Mental Health Foundation, mental health issues affect 1 in 6 children, and yet 75% of those aren’t getting the support they need. However, children’s emotional wellbeing is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health helps them develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.
In this, the second of our seminars on mental health and the life course, we look at issues affecting young people. To help us explore these, we have brought together three experts from across the Eastern Arc who will provide insights from a range of perspectives.
- Dr Steve Taylor: Steve is a historian of medicine, disability and childhood. He is interested in ideas and constructions of mental difference; the historical process of diagnosis; ability and disability considered through a lens of perfection/imperfection; institutional care across the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; and the psychological impact of forced migration on children. Steve has published widely in these areas, including Child Insanity in England, 1845-1907 (2017). He is currently writing his second book that examines experiences of mental deficiency, childhood, and education in a special school at the beginning of the twentieth century.
- Dr Kate Mahoney: Kate is a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant in the Department of History at the University of Essex. Her research focuses on the intersection of radical politics, community-based organisations, women’s health and mental health provision, and psychological and psychotherapeutic discourses in England from the late 1960s onwards. She is currently working on the Wellcome Trust-funded project Body, Self and Family: Womens Psychological, Emotional and Bodily Health in Britain, c.1960-1990, which explores how social changes in postwar Britain influenced women’s understandings of their bodily and emotional wellbeing.
Dr Nick Walsh: Nick is Lecturer in Developmental Psychology at UEA. His research interests are in the developmental aetiology, maintenance, and consequences of stress-related states and traits. His current interests examine how engineering and systems approaches can be used to conceptualise mental health and wellbeing phenomena.
All are welcome. To register, click here.
Photo by Bess Hamiti from Pexels