Eastern Arc Annual Report 2019-20 published
22 October 2020
2019-20 was a pivotal year for Eastern Arc. It was the moment when we moved between the first and second phase of its development. It allowed us to take stock and look at what we are as a consortium, our identity, and our future. We appointed a new director, Phil Ward, and through discussions with a wide range of stakeholders he developed a new strategy for the Arc that will lead us for the next five years.
Following the launch of the Strategy at our conference in February, we have started to implement our objectives, including the recruitment of champions to our themes, the launch of a mentoring scheme, and the convening of groups to take forward equipment sharing and coordination of special collections.
To find out about all we did in 2019-20, do take a few moments to have a look at our new Annual Report which sets out some of our key achievements. It is available as an online magazine here, or as a pdf here.
If you have any questions about our activities or the future of the Arc, drop us a line at info@easternarc.ac.uk.
Photo by René DeAnda on Unsplash