DWP’s development of areas of research interest (ARIs): recordings now available
13 July 2021
On 28 and 29 June we hosted two workshops with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as it developed its new Areas of Research Interest (ARIs). It was a great opportunity to hear from DWP and discuss their plans with them, but also to hear about the research going on in the area across Eastern Arc.
Recordings of the DWP-led sessions are available below:
- Overview from the DWP Central Analysis and Science Strategy Unit (Dr Tim Willis, Principal Research Officer, DWP Central Analysis and Science Directorate)
- The development of the DWP working-age modelling and forecasting approach through the Covid period (Dr Dave Pankhurst, Working Age Model Development Lead, DWP Working Age Modelling & Forecasting Division)
The original programme is available here (pdf). To find out more about past and future events, go to our dedicated webpage.
Photo by M.T ElGassier on Unsplash