EARC2021: Full programme and speakers details now available
20 April 2021
The full programme for the Eastern Arc Conference 2021 is now available, together with details of each of our 16 speakers.
Entitled ‘Aftermath’, the conference will look at issues around where we are in this post-Trump, post-Brexit, post-Covid world, including changes to our agriculture, our health systems, our politics and our culture.
The event is free and open to all. There has already been a strong take up, but there is still time to join us. To do so, register here.
The speakers
We are delighted to welcome 16 speakers with a huge range of experience and knowledge to comment on the current landscape. They are both academics and stakeholders, and come from individual funders, professional societies, representative and advocacy organisations, cultural groups and galleries, individual estates and membership bodies.
More information on each of them are available on our dedicated page, but you can also access their homepages below:
- Phil Ward (Director of Eastern Arc)
- The Eastern Arc Champions
- Vanessa Cuthill (British Academy)
- Prof Fiona Lettice (PVC Research & Innovation, University of East Anglia)
- Andrew Clark (Director of Policy, National Farmers Union)
- Archie Ruggles-Brise (Owner and Manager, Spains Hall Estate)
- Martin Lines (Nature Friendly Farmers Network)
- Glenn Anderson (Managing Partner, Dillington Hall Estate)
- Mark Richards (Director, Metal Culture, Peterborough)
- Moya Stirrup (Head of Communications, Turner Contemporary)
- Ghislaine Wood (Acting Head, Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts)
- Prof Alan Finlayson (Professor of Political & Social Theory, UEA)
- Dr Gareth Mott (Lecturer in Security and Intelligence, University of Kent)
- Professor David Croisdale-Appleby OBE (Chair of RCP and Dementia UK)
- Dr Antonina Semkina (Lecturer in Human Resources Management, University of Kent) and Dr Abasiama (Sema) Etuknwa (Research Project Coordinator for the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) between University of Huddersfield and Swiss Re)
- Dr Lisa Smith (Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Essex)